Chiropractic Questions

20 Years

June 21, 2022 Brant Hulsebus DC LCP CCWP FICA Season 5 Episode 4
20 Years
Chiropractic Questions
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Chiropractic Questions
20 Years
Jun 21, 2022 Season 5 Episode 4
Brant Hulsebus DC LCP CCWP FICA

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Ask the Chiropractor-  20 years ago today Dr Hulsebus graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic.  He was asked about some o the things he has witnessed over the years in this profession.  #healthy815. #palmerproud

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Ask the Chiropractor-  20 years ago today Dr Hulsebus graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic.  He was asked about some o the things he has witnessed over the years in this profession.  #healthy815. #palmerproud

- Hello, welcome to another edition of, Ask the Chiropractor. I'm Dr. Brant Hulsebus, a chiropractor here in Rockford, Illinois. I'm a third-generation chiropractor and I'm a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. And I've been the team chiropractor for the Rockford IceHogs for 17 seasons now. And we started this little thing because people have a question for the chiropractor or a question about chiropractic, and for whatever reason in my profession, it never goes back to ask the chiropractor. It's always, check with your family doctor or a physical therapist before you go with a chiropractor. And they don't really know what we do. They don't really grasp what chiropractic is. So I started this for people to submit questions to me about chiropractic, and then I'll answer them for you as the chiropractor. Just like I'm a firm believer, if you have a question about teeth or dentistry you check with your dentist, not a podiatrist. Understand? So that's what this is, Ask the Chiropractor. And today we have a very special episode cuz today is June 21st, 2022, and June 21st is an important date to me, and about 200 other chiropractors I know because this is the day 20 years ago I walked across the stage and got my diploma. So 20 years of chiropractic for me now outside of the college. And so it's kind of exciting, I know it's fun for me. Yay, yay to my classmates out there. How you guys doing? Everybody good? So the question I was asked is, I was telling a patient this is, you know, hey, did you know you've been seeing me for 20 years? And they asked me, so Dr. Hulsebus, what's some of the things that you've learned in 20 years of chiropractic? 20 years of being a practicing chiropractor. And I would say the interesting thing to me is when I first graduated and I came to my town here in Rockford, Illinois there was a lot of chiropractors that had these things called decompression tables where you lay on 'em, they stretch you out. There was two or three different ones all over town. And that was like, everybody had one. And I went to my father and I go, hey dad, you know Dr. Mike, why don't we have these things in our office? It seems to be like the most popular thing in chiropractic right now. And he looked at me and he said, you know you're new at this. At that time he'd been doing it for 27 years. And my grandpa started in 1949. He said that things in chiropractic, they come and they go. You'll see things that are exciting for about four or five years and they go away cuz they're not real chiropractic. That's not really doing the patient that good, it's not what chiropractic is. And so he said that in our family, we focus on one thing and one thing only, and that's delivering the best chiropractic adjustment and nothing else. So at that time I started to take more classes and seminars to, after you graduate you have to continue to take classes. And the bulk of my studies have been on trying to deliver, detect, and give the best chiropractic adjustment we know how. So I've taken classes in pediatrics, taken classes on, I got certified the Webster technique. The Webster technique is for adjusting pregnant women. It was originally invented for breached babies and I've done a, I've got tons of babies, tons of moms that came in here that were breached. We were able to adjust mom and mom was able to give a normal birth, not a breach baby. I've taken classes on taking care of geriatrics, the older population. I take classes on people with different spinal conditions. People who've had spinal surgery. We take classes on people who've had spinal surgery, how we continue to help them even though they've had spinal surgery. We've taken classes, oh you name it. Oh, big time, right here, athletes. How to take care of athletes. They're a whole different thing. How do we know what to look for in athletes? Especially, probably the one athlete that keeps me the busiest here in the office is teenage girl athletes cuz they're going through a growth spurt and their bodies are having a hard time keeping up with their posture and everything. So we've always been very, very focused on giving the best chiropractic adjustment. In the meantime, knowing there's other things in life that come up, because of the sports team involvement that I've had and the community involvement that I've been involved in, we have made friends with the ER doctors. We've made friends with the walk-in clinic doctors. We've made friends with orthopedic surgeons. We've made friends with the physical therapists, with strength, conditioning coaches. So we have a whole gambit of friends around town that do their thing and let us do our thing. And we compliment each other and we do what's best for the patient. So in my 20 years I've learned, the best thing I can do is be the best chiropractic adjuster. The guy who can find the problem on your spine, find the cause of the problem of your spine. Where does it start? You know, because every spine, when there's one misalignment, there's always two. because we talked before about the righting reflex, how if one thing goes to the left something else has to go to the right. Your eyes always have to stay level. So being able to figure out which one of those, the first one, which was the result of it, being able to know how to adjust according to that. Another big thing we had to learn here and master it, was when not to adjust it like when I look at you and your hips are crooked. Maybe I don't take care of that today cuz maybe that's not the real issue and not to overdo it. So that's what we've done here. That's what we've done in this practice. That's always been our focus. When a new doctor joins us I tell them, you know, don't worry about all that other stuff. I've seen so many fads now, in 20 years, come and go. I mean like I said, we had the decompression machines, we had the weight loss fad. Now I've told these people are getting me special boots to help with neuropathies. You wear 'em with lights and all this stuff. And I learn about the things and I educate myself on them and I find somebody who can do them so in case somebody needs them but we're just gonna stay focused on one thing here. And that's worked for my grandfather, worked for my father, and it works for me. So for 20 years now, just work on giving the best chiropractic adjustment and that's where we're the experts at. So, it's been fun these last 20 years. If you've been a patient here, I've got a chance to meet you, thank you for everything. And I'm hoping to keep going and I'm not slowing down at all. But if you need anything, please feel free to reach out and talk to us. These 20 years have been fun. And you know, our practice has been around since 1949. We're coming up on our 75th birthday. That's exciting too. So again, if you have any questions, Ask the Chiropractor. Leave us a message below. So just looking on our website, So leave us a message there and maybe next week you'll be on Ask the Chiropractor. Till then everybody, keep smiling and have fun and we'll see you next time around, bye-bye.